In India thousands of all level poor cricket players from backward, remote, border and rural areas, backward class & poor background, Govt. schools, small towns/streets are playing cricket but golden opportunities are less and hidden talents are surplus. India is a big country for playing cricket where cricket is a religion & unofficially national game, world cricket all most sponsored by Indian companies Indian Twenty20™ Cricket Federation®&© (ITCF-India™) is a big official platform for those neglected surplus talented poor cricket players from all over India who cannot avail any opportunity to come forward and serve the country through their cricket talent. ITCF India™ is making efforts to provide an official/legal cricket platform for the poor sections (Aam Adami) of society like in the field of education CBSE standard & State education boards are working in every state of India. The players who nurture a desire to play official cricket in remote areas of the country but can’t get anywhere near the mainstream.Our Federation has been promoting Twenty20™ Cricket in India since 2001. Our federation organizes Twenty20™ National events without any ill motive behind it and only to promote and develop the game of Twenty20™ Cricket for men and boys from grass-root level in India so as to provide right opportunity to small time players from poor back- ground. 2 – Indian Twenty 20 Cricket Federation ITCF-INDIA